I've got 6 promo packets ready to be mailed tomorrow. I need to get some more together this week but 6 was all I had time for. To the left is my envelope design which I printed on orange paper (to match my logo). A label was adhered above "illustration samples enclosed." I packed it with a personalized letter to the Art Director, an SASE for a reply or return of samples and 2 single illustrations and 3 pages with multiple illustrations as samples.
Ahem...I have a HUGE tip to share that I discovered about a year ago. And I pat myself on the back for thinking of it - excuse me if it wasn't an original idea after all:) I always struggle with getting high quality samples of my work without the expense of wasting my printer ink. I say waste because to print something on my color printer has to be worthy of being printed in color. Although my samples are worthy, it can just get too expensive so I thought, hey, I have this digital camera and I can touch up something a Photoshop and get it printed so why couldn't import and illustration into Photoshop and print it at Snapfish or my local Kroger (our grocery store to those who don't have them in your area). TA-DA, brilliant! It works great and they are high quality. I just printed about 160 illos at Snapfish for like $30 bucks! Just a fun and cheap tip I thought I'd share. I'm all about being cheap.
I love to see how illustrators work, so here's some links:
Theresa shows her work in progress.
Linda's work seems to be everyone.
Anette's cute style. See Feb. 17th's entry.
Jenny's sketches to finals
Elizabeth's painterly style. Scroll to the bottom, although the top is a good read.
And me!
Ahem...I have a HUGE tip to share that I discovered about a year ago. And I pat myself on the back for thinking of it - excuse me if it wasn't an original idea after all:) I always struggle with getting high quality samples of my work without the expense of wasting my printer ink. I say waste because to print something on my color printer has to be worthy of being printed in color. Although my samples are worthy, it can just get too expensive so I thought, hey, I have this digital camera and I can touch up something a Photoshop and get it printed so why couldn't import and illustration into Photoshop and print it at Snapfish or my local Kroger (our grocery store to those who don't have them in your area). TA-DA, brilliant! It works great and they are high quality. I just printed about 160 illos at Snapfish for like $30 bucks! Just a fun and cheap tip I thought I'd share. I'm all about being cheap.
I love to see how illustrators work, so here's some links:
Theresa shows her work in progress.
Linda's work seems to be everyone.
Anette's cute style. See Feb. 17th's entry.
Jenny's sketches to finals
Elizabeth's painterly style. Scroll to the bottom, although the top is a good read.
And me!