Happy Valentine's Day!

The winter ick has finally caught up with me. Stuffy head, cough, soreness, blah. I have managed to get my illustration portfolio and design portfolio updated so I can move forward with some more self promotion things. Press releases, emails, letters and promo packs to help me build my client base (and savings account!).
I've started thinking about what I'll do for A Month of Softies and I keep coming up with these complex ideas. I can sketch it out, but actually sewing it will be a challenge. Knowing me I'll try it, get frustrated and then just come up with something simple. I hope that's not the case though. The last thing I've sewn was the Woog's crib bedding and curtains (to match my store bought quilt on the bed).
I'm in the middle of illustrating the month of September (a calendar page) for a children's magazine and September is National Chicken Month (who knew???). I'm having a lot of fun with this one. I've gotten the final sketch approved and need to do the final artwork (digital style). Hopefully I'll get that done this week and turn it in way before the deadline.
Have a good week!