It's finally cold again in the southeast and I've struggled to stay warm all day. The First Lady seems to have a great recipe for hot chocolate. The orange zest is an interesting addition.
I've been feverishly planning and thinking big to help promote my illustration and design business. I am in total client acqusition mode. I have tons to do this week before I can do other things next week and this becomes a constant cycle for me. I've decided to make a daily, weekly, and monthly to-do list much like what Ilise Benun suggests in her book The Art of Self Promotion. My base list (which I've allowed myself to add to as needed, but not remove any task) is:
Find 3 new addresses for promo
Blog entry (at least a few days a week)
Update listing
Illustration Friday
One clay or digital illustrtaion (portfolio quality)
Look at freelance job listing sites
Press Release
Update portfolio
Creative Latitude article (becoming an illustrator)
I'd be interested to see what others do to promote themselves. Feel free to leave a comment or drop me an email.