Shoes On My Feet
Sandals, pumps and highheeled boots,
It really is a treat.
To wear Mom's many pairs of shoes,
Upon my little feet.
Author Unknown
I received an email from Violette today and just now got a chance to explore her site a little deeper. Wow! Wow, wow, wow! I would love the opportunity to just let go and do art like she does. She's even painted her car. She is so artsy. I think her work would be great on Crafters Coast to Coast I don't know why they call them crafters. They're really artists (not that crafter's aren't artists). I guess I just relate crafting to country, hand painted, tea stained nick-knacks (and I have to admit I have a few of them). But maybe that's because I'm in Tennessee.
Inspiration for the week, some girls who create: