grinin' ear to ear
Thanks to all the Picture Book Junkies for allowing me into their group! I was so excited when I got the news. It was a day of compliments for my work and learning about agents and how others promote themselves. It feels so good to belong to such a great group of girls!!!
In other "smiley news" I received an email from a girl at Brown Publishing. I had sent some samples and she loved my work and wants me to contact her next month because they had a big project starting up. Yah me :)
Good day. Very good day.
Roz has a great post about what type of promotion works for her. I think I may try postcards through USPS. I like the idea of customizing the cards to differnt publishers. Very clever.
In other "smiley news" I received an email from a girl at Brown Publishing. I had sent some samples and she loved my work and wants me to contact her next month because they had a big project starting up. Yah me :)
Good day. Very good day.
Roz has a great post about what type of promotion works for her. I think I may try postcards through USPS. I like the idea of customizing the cards to differnt publishers. Very clever.