I ran across a site today. And a particular post made me smile. The Woog will turn one year old next month. I can't believe it. I'm trying not to focus too much on it just because it breaks my heart. How has it already been a year? She was sitting and playing the other day and wearing a little bow in her hair (she was born with a head full and had a mullet until we broke down and cut it Christmas Eve) and she didn't look like a baby anymore, she looks like a little girl. I am horrible at admitting that a certain outfit doesn't fit anymore or that she's ready for the next size up in diapers. My husband on the other hand is not as bad as me thanks goodness. She'd probably still be wearing the outfit she came home for the hospital in (although she did wear it until she was about 7 months).
The big event of a birthday party is brewing in the back of my head. I don't like themes as far as characters but my wheels are spinning as to what to do. I don't want to go overboard but I do want it a little girlie. I've been thinking a tea party, things that start with "w" (the first letter of her name), and various spring related things. I do know were are having cupcakes and I'm thinking about sculpting her a little cupcake topper out of clay. I am also going to do a special painting as my gift to her (I really need to get sketching on that). Well, enough of me goo-gooin' over my daughter. I'm surprised I didn't get all tearing writing this post. She doesn't know it but I got all teary yesterday reading Roz's post about her kids. The paper her son wrote is what got me. And Heather's post was so sweet it just made me smile. I love you Woogie Bear!!!
In lighter and less babbling news...I've written my 9th installment of Becoming An Illustrator. It has not been edited by CL so forgive my grammar and any misspellings you might come across.