a girl who creates
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Surtex Planning: Part 4

I've been able to flush out my booth design in the last few days and I'm feeling pretty good about how I'll have it organized. I do have to keep telling myself that it's not a one-shot deal for me, they have Surtex every year and it's not my last trip to New York, so don't try and cram everything in while I'm there. So the first thing I wrote in my sketchbook when planning my booth was:

I need to ingrain this into my brain. I don't have to show everything I have on the wall. I'll have a book with all my designs in it, and I only need to show my best and most relevant work on the walls. I also realized that I may need to take things down after each show and keep them in the secure area of Surtex or take them back to my hotel room. Yesterday the need for that came to the forefront of my mind again when I read Ellen's post on someone stealing her design book. I need to really plan out how many 3-D/removable objects I'll have since I'm going to have to lug them in and out everyday! So keeping this in mind I started sketching and making notes:

Like I've said before I'll have a corner booth and as of last week the local has been changed. I'm now at booth #349:

Seeing how my booth configuration is opposite than what I originally had, I sketched out the booth layout:

There are eight "categories" I want to show things in and this will work perfect the way the walls are physically set up.

I am also working out how to use the space on the vertical corner post I have. I want at least one dimensional element on each panel just some my booth is more dynamic and not too flat. I'm working on some easy shelving issues that will hopefully work.

Now onto tourism. This will be my first visit to New York and I would like to see a few things while I'm there but need to keep in mind that I will be back and I don't have to see everything in a day. One thing I need to decide is do I go to the Met or MOMA? At the moment I'm torn. I could do both, but that cuts into other site seeing time. Any suggestions? Any must sees while I'm there?

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