a girl who creates
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Surtex Planning: Part 2

From my last Surtex update I really only got #1 done: My business cards. I did get a lot of other "thinking" things done though. I really had to decide on why I felt like I was feeling so nervous and overwhelmed. After having a planning meeting with my licensing manager and lunch with my husband, I decided that I needed to focus more on the art itself rather than planning for the show and getting bogged down with how it will all look, my own self consciousness of selling myself face-to-face, so in order for me to stay on track and to accomplish what I want to accomplish art-wise, I've decided to hire a part time designer to pass some work off to. She starts tomorrow and I really hope we fit together well. I'm excited to see how much more work I'll have ready to show come May.

I also got some relief when the Surtex guys finally posted their set-up manual. Exhibiting at Surtex became more real and manageable after reading everything from how to get all my materials into my booth, to working on press kits. It's not so overwhelming now and I'm really getting excited about it. I'm sure everyone else in the world knew this but me, but I found out that I had to go through an underwater tunnel to get to Manhattan. I could have done without knowing that until I actually went through it and it was too late to turn back (yes, I am a bit of a weenie). I know it's no big deal and I'll close my eyes when we go through it, but I will literally freak out if I see water pouring out inside the tunnel. My husband told me not to go back and watch Daylight before I go. If anyone if familiar with these tunnels, please do not tell me anymore about them!! I don't want to dwell on it until May :)

Last Monday I did do a little booth research by going to a trade show here in Nashville. The subject matter wasn't very interesting to me but I wanted to see how people had their booths set-up, their graphics, and how they were able to get the most out of their spaces. There were only a few booths that really stood out. This one was actually stretched fabric squares on a grid (done by one of those exhibit making places). I liked the dimension it had but it didn't take up a lot of footprint space:

And I saw another that I really liked. Simple but a way to show off several images and it worked great for istockphoto.com:

I also signed up for twitter this week since one of the things I wanted to do was give updates from my Surtex booth. You can follow me here. If you're not on it, it's addictive. Kathy just wrote a great post on it.

To get me back on track with working on all the ideas in my sketchbook, I'm going to get back on track with my daily creative warmups. Hopefully each day I'll come up with a new line to license.

So...on my immediate to-do list this week:

1) Use my Creative Warmup time everyday to flush out sketchbook ideas

2) picked up from last week -- Start printing out my pages for my portfolio (which I will have set up for buyers to flip through at my booth) print out 5-10 pages a week. I kind of have everything in layers on one photoshop file so I need to get them all separated first - UGH!

4) picked up from last week -- Start designing a mailer to send out, inviting people to my booth. We have about 325 companies on our list and we are in the process of getting contact info from their buyers.

5) this will be on the list weekly - Keep researching artists that have been at past shows to see what did well for them or how they designed their booth

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