I've been meaning to show off my new pencils and pen for a while but just never had. The two top pencils I found at an arts and crafts market. I can't remember what the red wood is but the blueish one is made from a corn cob. I keep one on my desk and the other in my purse. The pen was a gift from my grandfather which I love. It's a Mont Blanc fountain pen (I love fountain pens!) and I make a point of writing with it when I think of new ideas, goals, signing contracts etc.
I was reminded of my pen/pencil/marker obsession the other day when I was looking through a box of old makers and pens. I found several that I have had since elementary school. I'm sure they're all dried out now but I can't seem to get rid of them. I remember spending a week at my Grandparent's house when I was around 11 or 12 and I had brought this hug collection of things to write and draw with and I remember my Grandmom saying that my dad always had a bunch a pens when he was younger so I guess it runs in the family. I'm afraid I'm raising the Woog with the same obsession too. Oh well, I guess there are worse things to be obsessed with!