Buying Handmade This Year
I decided to buy & make homemade this year for nearly all my Christmas gifts. I actually was able to spend less this year and get better (what I think is better) and more unique gifts.
I even went with more simple packaging this year to go with the whole handmade theme.
I printed up some paper bags:
Added my handmade tags from Amy at APL Creations
and voila, a gift!
Here's a lists of artist I bought from this year:
Letterary Press
Pretty In Paper
Dumb Kid Designs
Bondage Tea
Kung Fu Cowgirl
Mama Doodles
Earth Expressions
Dine & Doodles
Block Party Press
Gracie Designs
This week the Woog will be working on her handmade gifts so I'll show some of those as she makes them.
**Oh, and on the studio, it's all decorated so I'll try and get some pictures up this week. I love it!!!