a girl who creates
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Blogging about the blog
Since we are no longer in the movie business (never mind if you didn't know we were in it in the first place) we've signed up for NetFlix. I've been adding documentaries and motion pictures about artists like crazy to my queue. The other day I finally watched Pollock. Excellent movie! It reminded me of this story from several years ago.

And now something totally unrelated...I swiped this meme from Stacy (I love her #7) who swiped it from Mayfly.

1. Do you promote your blog?

I do in my online marketing for my illustration site. I then use my blog to promote my work.

2. How often do you check hits?

Usually about once a day for this blog. There was a period that I would average 500+ hits a day. I'd like to try and build back up to that. I now average about 200+.

3. Do you stick to one topic?

Pretty much. Mainly illustration and marketing stuff. Very little family and personal stuff unless it deals with art.

4. Who knows that you have a blog?

I think the only people, that I personally know, that know I have a blog are only about 5 people and I think of those 5 my mom's the only one who looks at it now and then. My husband does check out the Woogie Wednesdays. Everyone else has no idea what I do. Not for lack of explaining, they just don't get it and then I don't get them.

5. How many blogs do you read?

I have 115 feeds in my bloglines now. They are all art related.

6. Are you a fast reader?

Pretty much. I tend to just glance at posts that don't have pictures though. I'm visual!!

7. Do you customize your blog or do anything technical?

I do. I hard code it and then maintain my template.

8. Do you blog anonymously?

No, but I've thought about it!

9. To what extent do you censor yourself?

I try to keep it fun and business related. I don't share much, if any, about my beliefs or personal life because I rather not have the negative email and comments that some people get when they share things like that. But, I will share this: The number one reason I'm successful at what I do: Proverbs 16:3. Booyah!

10. The best thing about blogging?

For me it's a way of emptying my mind. I have so much going on in there I've got to let it out and blogging is a good way to do that. I also like the accountability and support it gives me via the comments people leave and the emails I receive. It just brightens your day!

*podcast interview*
What I Do
How I Got There


The Type Junkie
Woogie Wednesday

Creative Warm Up
Woogie Wednesday
Big and Little Art
Living the Creative Dream
Illustration For Kids Blog

This is a Flickr badge showing public photos from HOLLi*. Make your own badge here.

Creative Warm Up
Illustration Friday
Big and Little Art
Creative Postcard Club

IFK Blog

All rested up
Off to the Mountains
Studio Update
A type lover in the making
Finally Done!
Still In Progress
Studio Update
Baking Cookies
Magnet Making

mini links
All content is
© Holli Conger 2005-2009
Please don't steal my work!
I will have the better attorney :)