a girl who creates
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Made it to WalMart
Well, I've done it. I've made it to the bookshelf at WalMart. While doing my regular book browsing at WalMart I spotted my pirate magnet book this morning right next to Johnny Depp himself (well, his picture on a book for the new pirates movie - which I'm going to have to watch about 3 more time to get what it's about). When I picked it up and looked at the magnets...ut-oh!

I was instructed to add a bleed around each magnet for the die-cut (I even provided the dine lines). I guess during the layout phase they went with a white border forgetting about the bleeds. I'm surprised this wasn't spotted at the proofing stage. It's very obvious if you know what you're looking at. I flipped the book over where there are pictures of the magnets, and same thing, the rough bleeds show. I hope they caught it for the next print run!

I have a two children's books where fonts were overlooked in the proffing stage. Apparently they didn't have the screen font loaded:

This one is a little hard to see from the scan. the cover uses the same font and it looks as it should.

This one spread used the same font throughout the artwork. Such a shame. It was beautifully illustrated but the font mistake overpowers it.

Sorry, it's the designer in me that finds mistakes. We live and we learn!

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