a girl who creates
Friday, November 04, 2005
The List
I've really enjoyed reading people's "20 things" so I decided to take Janee up on her offer and post mine.

1. Holli is not my legal name. It's just a nickname (short for my middle name).

2. When I was in 3rd grade I cracked the bone in my left pinky and had a cast on my arm. I've worn my watch on my right arm ever since.

3. I don't like writing in blue ink.

4. I have to eat before I shop for clothes or I get really grumpy during the process.

5. I've lived in our house four and a half years and I'm on my 4th kitchen floor (this time it's staying!)

6. I have a "theater" in my house with a projector, screen and theater seats.

7. I will tackle any home improvement project except plumbing. The house rule is to call a plumber.

8. I don't like change but am getting better with it.

9. I still remember the line I had to say in my 2nd grade school program. "R is for right instead of might and many rights have we. The right to sing and work and play and even worship as we please."

10. When I was 3 years old President Reagan waved at me and I still remember it.

11. I let my daughter run around in her new footy pj's all day because I thought she looked cute in them.

12. I don't have a favorite color.

13. I'm a major introvert.

14. I love deviled eggs.

15. I will never move away from my family.

16. I've had gray hairs since I was 12 years old.

17. I've never had a drink or smoked.

18. Since my daughter was born, I now tear up or cry at anything touching or sad.

19. I'm decaffeinated (as my husband says). I haven't had caffeine in over 4 years.

20. I can still remember the first time I had a sugary cereal. It was Fruit Loops and I was around 6 years old.

*podcast interview*
What I Do
How I Got There


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