Birdie from Dee
Here is the birdie I got from Dee. The birdie is saying "Create" in Portugese and on the back she has written two quotes. They are: "A bird doesn't sing because it has answers, it sings because it has a song" - Maya Angelou and "Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings." - C. Archie Danielson. I love it, and it's in the square format I like so much. Thanks Dee!!

This is what I made for her new "winged-theme" studio. It's a "Birdie Bouncer." Similar to the "Bunny Bouncer" I made for Becky. I'll be selling these in my store which is almost ready.

This is what I made for her new "winged-theme" studio. It's a "Birdie Bouncer." Similar to the "Bunny Bouncer" I made for Becky. I'll be selling these in my store which is almost ready.